Second international Imaging in Neuromuscular Disease
Conference organized by the MYO-MRI consortium
The conference program will feature internationally-recognized keynote speakers highlighting developments and advances in all aspects of muscle imaging. At least 200 participants from the neuromuscular field are expected to attend.
The Imaging in Neuromuscular Disease Conference will be organized by the MYO-MRI project, a consortium supported by COST, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology. MYO-MRI focusses on applications of MR imaging and spectroscopy techniques in neuromuscular disease and has enabled collaboration on MRI as an outcome measure and on pattern recognition for diagnostics and therapy development. The project has addressed the challenges of applying MR techniques in both clinical trials and everyday clinical settings.The Imaging in Neuromuscular Diseases Conference will highlight key findings from MYO-MRI and will discuss next steps of interest to academia and industries.The programme will feature plenary talks on the following topics; Diagnostic Muscle Imaging, New Imaging Techniques and Quantitative Muscle Imaging – with plenary sessions and invited abstracts on each.You are cordially invited to be part of this inaugural international conference which I think will provide the opportunity to forge new partnerships, learn from the leading and brightest minds in the field and share best practices with leading experts.
The programme will feature plenary talks on the following topics;
- New Imaging Applications for NMD
- Diffusion Techniques
- Deep Learning
- MR Outcome Measures
- Imaging Cardiac Muscle
with plenary sessions and invited abstracts on each. You are cordially invited to be part of this international conference and we would like to ask for financial sponsorship to support this important event. The conference provides the opportunity to forge new partnerships, learn from the leading and brightest minds in the field and share best practices with leading experts.
Draft programme
Please note: this a draft programme and as such may be subject to change
Sunday – 17th November
12:00-13:30 – Conference registration opens
13:30-13:45 – Opening address – Volker Straub
Session 1: MR as outcome measure in clinical trials (auditorium)
13:45-14:15 – Keynote: Relevance of MRI in clinical development –
Pierre Carlier
14:15-14:45 – Lessons learned from using MRI in a multi-center setting –
Rebecca Willcocks
14:45-15:00 – JAIN Foundation Clinical Outcome Study – Andrew Blamire
15:00-15:30 – Coffee break
15:30-15:45 – Pfizer Trial – Sarah Sherlock
15:45-16:00 – Data analysis for multi-center CRIS – Pierre Yves Baudin
16:00-17:30 – Open panel discussion/debate
17:30-18:00 – Coffee break
Teaching sessions (in parallel)
18:00- 19:00
All you ever wanted to know about MRI – Q&A between pharma
and MR experts
teachers: Andrew Blamire & Gustav Strijkers
All you ever wanted to know about neuromuscular disease – Q&A
between MR experts and clinicians
teachers: Tarek Yousry & Volker Straub
Welcome reception
Monday – 18th November
Session 2: Diffusion imaging – a window on tissue microstructure
8:30-9:15 – Keynote: Diffusion to assess microstructure – Julien Valette
9:15-9:45 – STE-DTI with long echo times– Olivier Scheidegger
9:45-11:00 – Selected oral presentations (based on abstracts)
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break
11:30-13:00 – Poster sessions 1 & 2 (clinical and diffusion)
13:00-14:30 – Lunch and exhibition
Session 3: Imaging cardiac muscle
14:30-15:15 – Keynote: Cardiac imaging – speaker to be confirmed
15:15-15:45 – Plenary talk – cardiac measures in DMD and gene modifiers –
Daniel Ennis
15:45-16:30 – Selected oral presentations (based on abstracts)
16:30-17:00 – Coffee break
17:00-18:00 – Exhibition and poster session 3 (imaging outside skeletal muscle)
Conference dinner
Tuesday – 19th November
08:00-08:30 – Conference desk open
Session 4 : Deep Learning
8:30-9:15 – Keynote: Deep learning and assisted image interpretation –
Bram van Ginneken
9:15-10:30 – Selected oral presentations (based on abstracts)
10:30-11:00 – Coffee break
11:00-12:30 – Poster sessions (Deep Learning, MR as outcome measure, …)
12:30-14:00 – Lunch and exhibition
Session 5: New imaging applications for neuromuscular diseases
14:00-14:45 – Keynote: MR neurography – Jennifer Kollmer
14:45-15:15 – Plenary talk: Imaging fibrosis – Peter Caravan
15:15-17:00 – Selected oral presentations (based on abstracts)
17:00-17:30 – Poster prize giving and closing of conference